Esthetician Decor: Giving Life to Your Work Space

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2024

As a business owner, the way in which a work space is decorated can speak volumes on the business and how it is run. Avoid letting your clients form the wrong first impression; tell a story with your work area by putting time, energy and plenty of thought into what your specially crafted space says about your business. 

In this article, our goal is to go over the full scope of what it means to decorate your space, as well as what style, lighting, and color can say about your business. 

What you should consider when designing your space

Before mapping out the color schemes of your waiting room and the interior designs of your work space, there are a few factors to consider that can impact what options are available. 

The clientele perspective

Always be aware of the clients perspective and how they may interpret your space. When branding your business, consider your target audience and the people your studio may attract. Be sure to maintain the perfect balance of individualization, while crafting an alluring, yet professional work space where clients feel calm and comfortable to receive their service. 

How much space are you working with?

Avoid dreaming bigger than your space allows! While each business owner may have their own ideas for their brand, trying to include too much in small spaces, or not enough in such an open area can leave your studio feeling disconnected and imbalanced.

Where is your studio located?

Where the studio is located can play a role in the potential options available to the business owner. Consider if there’s a source for natural lighting in the space, as well as what view – if any –  the space has to offer. Always factor in the layout of the area and work your space to its natural beauty and the character surrounding it. 

The most popular themes for esthetician rooms

While each creative mind may be different, there are common overarching themes that can be found recurring through a number of salons and studios. Narrowing down your scope to a style can help your space stay consistent, and actually helps you come up with ideas. Limitations foster creativity, after all!


With minimalism, less is always more. A clutter free environment accompanied by plain hardwood floors and soft scented candles offers accessibility to tools while also creating a stress free, clutter free, relaxing environment for clients to enjoy. With such simplicity, a minimalist space is always sure to be elegant, practical, and welcoming.


A step up from the minimalist design is the realm of luxury interiors. The goal for luxury spaces should be simplistic, yet warm, elegant, and refined. Choosing to move forward with a luxury space allows for a more enhanced client experience, automatically elevating your services at no extra cost. 


Choosing to throw your space back in time can be a fun way of diving into a creative space. Finding room decor ideas from the recent past can be a nostalgic way to elevate your spa business while also bringing people together over fun, quirky pieces of history. 


Stark color contrasts, color blocking, big, bold designs, eco-friendly choices, and diverse pieces of abstract artwork set apart modern designs from their competitors. Sharp angles can bring together the overall design theme, drawing attention to specific parts of the room. 

Factors that affect the design of the studio room

Once an assessment of the space has been made and the spa design has been settled on, there are some finishing factors that could affect how the design comes out. Try using the below list to make sure your room ideas come to life just as you’d planned. 

The natural vs artificial lighting options

Lamps and soft lighting can change the look and feel of your reception area or spa space when compared to the all encompassing reach of industrial overhead lighting. The proper lighting has the ability to open up a space and draw attention to specific design elements such as an accent color wall, wall art, or client service area. 

What color scheme you decide to use

Always try to incorporate a color palette that works with the space, theme, and brand you’ve established. Color matching with your skilfully curated brand could build brand recognition and solidify the common theme to your business. Additionally, be sure to take into account the size of the room with the color scheme you’ve chosen. Smaller spaces can feel more confined when rich, dark colors are used to decorate the area. 

Let Bosses in Beauty help you build out your career space!

Be sure to present yourself as the best esthetician in the area, setting yourself apart from the competition through a unified business and social media front. Bosses In Beauty is here to provide the best education and information to current and future estheticians around the globe.

We understand the importance of eye catching interior decor and memorable room ideas, so let us guide you along the path of success that elevates the accomplishments of your business and guarantees the overall satisfaction of your clients.

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Thinking about starting your own esthetics business?


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