Tips for Starting as an Independent Esthetician

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2024

When you’re starting out as an independent esthetician, you’re embarking on an exciting and potentially lucrative path. Esthetics is a growing field full of innovation that can offer limitless growth for your business.

But starting any new business brings lots of questions to the forefront. Getting started is just the beginning of your journey, and there are plenty of ways to make your path easier.

From licensing to marketing, there are many things to consider. In our experience, the best way to grow your business is to lean on those who’ve gone before. To help you, we’ve used our years of experience to gather some of the best advice we’ve seen. 

Here are our tips for starting out as an independent esthetician! 

8 important tips to starting as an independent esthetician 

Graduating from an accredited esthetician program is the beginning of a rewarding, life-long career. Starting your own business allows you to put your skills to work! 

Before opening your salon or studio, you’ll want to read our top tips for beginning estheticians.

Get your legal requirements and licenses in order

Each state regulates estheticians differently. However, some things they all have in common are education and licensure. 

Before you can apply for your esthetician’s license, you must complete an approved educational program. These are offered at community colleges, esthetician training schools, and some cosmetology schools. Depending on your path, they take between six months to a year. You can take a licensure exam once you’ve met your state-required hours.

Upon passing the licensure exam, you’ll receive a license to practice your skills in your state. Typically, according to each state's employment laws, they aren’t transferable from state to state, so you’ll need to check on local requirements if you plan to move. Some states offer reciprocity that allows you to work in different states.

Most states require estheticians to carry liability insurance before they begin offering services to clients. While it seems like an extra expense, it’s the best way to protect yourself from service errors or litigious clients. A business license is also necessary, as it allows you to open bank accounts and operate as a sole proprietor.

Once you’re licensed and insured, you’re ready to take the next steps in building your life as an independent esthetician!

Set up a workspace for yourself 

Starting out as an independent esthetician, you’ll need a workspace to call your own. Your business location is important, and as a self-employed or freelance esthetician, choose wisely.

As exciting as opening your own brick-and-mortar salon is, it comes with significant financial overhead. Aside from rent and utilities, you’ll also be responsible for carrying property liability insurance. If you’re a beginning esthetician, you’ll have more important things to worry about, like building a clientele.

New estheticians should consider working in established salons or renting a shared space to begin building their career. Medical estheticians are usually associated with a dermatology office or med spa. While you might not make as much in the beginning since you’re essentially working for someone else, these spaces allow you to develop your skills and start earning your client’s trust.

Some states allow residential service, but there are usually enough health department requirements to make it not worth your time.

Even if you’re not in a space you call your own, in many cases, you can still be the sole proprietor of your own business. We call that a win!

Build an online presence

Most prospective clients start shopping for an esthetician online. Whether through a website or social media, your online presence is a way to build relationships with potential clients. Even working in a larger salon or spa, you can develop your client list through your digital footprint.

If you haven’t already, start business-focused social media channels to showcase your skills. Join local Facebook groups and connect with other professionals on Instagram and TikTok. You’ll be surprised how many of your new clients say they saw you on social media first!

Google reviews and Yelp ratings can drive business your way, so encourage your clients to give you feedback.

Create a brand that will make you stand out

As a new business owner, one of the things you should consider is creating a brand. Several online platforms make it easy to start designing a logo and website. These are visual representations of your aesthetic, so take time developing these digital marketing elements.

Working with a branding agency will cost more, but trusting the professionals is worth it. They can help you create a meaningful brand that you’ll be happy to share!

Learn to manage your finances while running a business

Learning to manage your finances is one of the most important parts of running your own business. We recommend using finance tracking software to keep records of income and expenses as your business grows.

You should also design a business plan to help guide you as you grow. It should outline your goals and give you an idea of how you want to invest in your business.

Make sure to retain your clientele 

Working in the beauty industry, you rely on client relationships to grow your business. Each time a client comes through your door, they’re trusting your skills to meet their needs. 

Focus on developing good customer service skills to ensure that a one-time client becomes a return customer. It’s good practice to follow up with them afterward to see how they like the results. If they know that you’re invested in them, they’re more likely to return to you in the future. And, happy customers are usually willing to refer their friends and family to you, too!

You need to be on top of your time management skills 

Time management is essential for new estheticians. It’s easy to feel swamped with all of the tasks related to running your business. But take the time to plan so you have plenty of space for essentials. It’s not enough to simply focus on client care. 

Decide when you’ll spend time working on finances and marketing each week, and stick to it! That way, when paying taxes or making big financial decisions, you’ll have all the information you need. 

Always continue your education

Because the beauty industry is constantly changing, continuing your education lets you keep up with innovations. Most states also require a certain number of hours to retain your license but don’t consider it a chore. Decide which new services you’d like to offer in the future and focus your energy in that direction.

Even estheticians with years of experience keep developing their skills through additional training!

Bosses in Beauty is here to support all independent estheticians!

Whether you’re a self-employed esthetician just getting your feet wet or you’re getting ready to hire employees, Bosses In Beauty is here to provide the best education and information to current and future estheticians around the globe. Our expertise is in helping you grow your business into something amazing! We’ve created programs to help you reach your financial goals and have the experience to back them up. 

Check out our website to see how we can help you thrive!

Thinking about starting your own esthetics business?


Download The Top 12 Mistakes Estheticians Make When Going Solo so you can be fully prepared to take any challenge starting your beauty biz throws at you!


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Discover my exact process for how to make MORE money with every client you already have.


Thinking about starting your own esthetics business?


Download The Top 12 Mistakes Estheticians Make When Going Solo so you can be fully prepared to take any challenge starting your beauty biz throws at you!

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