Esthetician Websites: A Key Tool to Long Term Success

Uncategorized May 21, 2024

With the digital world being as prominent as it is for both individuals and businesses alike, how you establish, cultivate, and maintain your online presence has a considerable impact on the willingness of others to engage with your content and services. 

The influence that a well-designed website has on the potential to acquire clientele – that’s why we’re reviewing the importance of a website and how establishing a credible esthetics business website can amplify your potential.

Reasons why you need a website

Having a website is more than just a way to list out skin care products for sale or services provided at your studio. Crafting a platform within the digital world is a wonderful way to elevate your business model and get your business’ name out there.

Below we’ve outlined three reasons as to why creating a website for your esthetician business may simplify your job as a business owner.

Potential clients find local businesses online


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Esthetician vs Dermatologist: Choosing a Career Path

Uncategorized May 09, 2024

Estheticians and dermatologists are both dedicated to skin care. Depending on the state, their roles may overlap. They might even work side by side in certain establishments like medical spas. 

However, there are some significant differences to consider. As an esthetician, you’ll want to know when to refer a client to a dermatologist.

Today, we’re comparing dermatologists vs estheticians to clear up any misconceptions and help you guide your clients in the right direction. 

The role of a dermatologist

A board-certified dermatologist is a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine who specializes in skin, nail, and hair health. Most people should visit their dermatologist every year or two to prevent skin cancer.

But for other skin-related concerns, keep the following practices in mind when helping your client choose between an esthetician vs a dermatologist. 

Diagnosing skin conditions 

Dermatologists are qualified to diagnose and treat all...

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Esthetician Decor: Giving Life to Your Work Space

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2024

As a business owner, the way in which a work space is decorated can speak volumes on the business and how it is run. Avoid letting your clients form the wrong first impression; tell a story with your work area by putting time, energy and plenty of thought into what your specially crafted space says about your business. 

In this article, our goal is to go over the full scope of what it means to decorate your space, as well as what style, lighting, and color can say about your business. 

What you should consider when designing your space

Before mapping out the color schemes of your waiting room and the interior designs of your work space, there are a few factors to consider that can impact what options are available. 

The clientele perspective

Always be aware of the clients perspective and how they may interpret your space. When branding your business, consider your target audience and the people your studio may attract. Be sure to maintain the perfect balance of...

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Esthetician Services: What You Can Specialize In To Stand Out

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2024

The beauty industry is booming and shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, according to Associated Skin Care Professionals, employment in the field will grow 17% by 2029. That means estheticians need to find ways to stand out from the competition. 

If you’re looking to diversify your portfolio, you’re in the right place!

Today, we’re discussing several exciting specialties to consider to gain more traction.

What are the most common esthetic services?

Licensed estheticians work in a wide variety of roles relating to skin care. From anti-aging treatments to hair removal services, you’ll find highly trained specialists in every niche. 

Here are a few of the most popular disciplines.

A variety of different kinds of facials 

Facials are the bread and butter of many estheticians’ businesses. After all, they can be cleansing, nourishing, and relaxing and can leave clients with glowing radiant skin. 

However, facial treatments go far beyond...

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How To Build Clientele As an Esthetician

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2024

Starting your own business as an esthetician is an exciting process. Even working in a spa or salon that’s not your own, you’re developing a reputation and understanding of what it takes to succeed.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure the future success of your business is to build a clientele. These clients are what make it possible for you to strike out on your own one day and make up the core of your client base.

Today, we’re looking at the best strategies for reaching and retaining quality clients. Without them, you’re just practicing!

The different strategies to build up clientele for estheticians

Gaining new clients used to be a word-of-mouth affair. But with digital marketing strategies, you can reach people where they are. Creating online content, using business-savvy promotions, and building relationships can keep your books filled!

Have a social media presence 

Social media is one of the fastest ways to build buzz around your...

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How to Create an Esthetician Vision Board

In the ever changing world of aesthetics, having a clear vision surrounding the development of your business can be the key to success. One effective and creative way to articulate and work towards your goals is by creating an esthetician vision board. Skilfully tying together the bigger picture is not only fun, but an immersive way to make sure you focus on your business

What is a vision board?

A vision board is the name given to the concept of creating a visual representation of your businesses goals, dreams, and aspirations. It primarily serves as a motivational tool to manifest your desires by combining images, words, and mottos that resonate with your overall set goals. In the world of esthetics, a vision board can be treated like a roadmap that guides you towards success.

How does a vision board work?

The ideas surrounding a vision board are grounded in the law of attraction. By regularly seeing and recognizing your business goals, you create a positive mindset that...

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Tips for Starting as an Independent Esthetician

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2024

When you’re starting out as an independent esthetician, you’re embarking on an exciting and potentially lucrative path. Esthetics is a growing field full of innovation that can offer limitless growth for your business.

But starting any new business brings lots of questions to the forefront. Getting started is just the beginning of your journey, and there are plenty of ways to make your path easier.

From licensing to marketing, there are many things to consider. In our experience, the best way to grow your business is to lean on those who’ve gone before. To help you, we’ve used our years of experience to gather some of the best advice we’ve seen. 

Here are our tips for starting out as an independent esthetician! 

8 important tips to starting as an independent esthetician 

Graduating from an accredited esthetician program is the beginning of a rewarding, life-long career. Starting your own business allows you to put your skills to...

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Tax-Write Offs for Beauty Industry Business Owners

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2024

If you’re a beauty industry business owner, you’re probably familiar with one of the first things you learn. Running your own business is an expensive proposition! Even before you open your door, everything costs money. While investing in your business makes sense, the expense can feel overwhelming.  

Something most business owners have in common is the ability to look on the bright side. It’s hard to do when it feels like you’re pouring your hard-earned money into laundry service and replacing waxing tools. 

But, during tax season, that silver lining starts to show. Savvy business owners know that tax write-offs can change your perspective. Today, we’re looking at how to maximize your returns each year when it’s tax season. 

Let’s get started!

5 most common business expenses of beauty businesses

Some recurring expenses can't be avoided when you’re building out your business. Each beauty business owner invests time...

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Can An Esthetician Do Botox?

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2024

Botox is one of the most popular injectables available in the beauty industry, and for good reason. With just a few jabs, your clients can enjoy a younger, wrinkle-free face with minimal downtime. 

Despite some bad press early on for unnatural-looking results, a skilled provider can leave clients looking years younger! And, as a bonus, it can significantly increase your bottom line. But there’s a catch when working with injectables as an esthetician, which we’ll discuss below.

Let’s get under the surface of the process and requirements behind this minimally invasive cosmetic procedure! 

What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable cosmetic product that’s been a mainstay of the beauty industry since the 1990s. Using a toxin derived from the botulinum bacteria it temporarily prevents the muscles under the surface of the skin from moving. Once injected, it smooths out frown lines, crow's feet, and deep wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.

As the...

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How Much Do Estheticians Make With Their Own Business?

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2024

Many of us started our esthetician journey with two goals in mind: to own our own businesses and have free time. Few career paths offer such a seamless on-ramp into entrepreneurship. 

By branching out into working for yourself, you’ll have built a client base and developed a reputation. Once you go down this path, the rewards are many, and the potential earnings are limitless.

Before you hang out your shingle and go into business for yourself, you’ll want to look at the actual numbers. There are costs and other factors to consider that impact your overall earning potential. 

Let’s crunch the numbers and see what an esthetician can make running their own business!

Factors that can affect an esthetician’s income

Once you go out on your own, several factors affect your income. Some of them are within your power to change. Others, unfortunately, aren’t within your control.

Estheticians can expect income to flow from three different sources: wages,...

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